MPR Covers St. Mary’s Response with COVID-19 Testing
This morning Minnesota Public Radio ran a story about COVID-19 testing in underserved communities. St. Mary’s very own Cristina Flood Urdangarin and Rosalinda Alle are quoted in the article, check it out!
Long-Standing Mistrust Threatens to Hamper Testing in MN Communities Most Vulnerable to COVID
Susan Gehlsen, St. Mary’s Health Clinics Director, adds:
“I credit the SMHC staff and volunteers for the many years of providing services for the underserved that have resulted in the development of trusted, strong and supportive relationships within our Twin Cities Latinx community. When there are specific health care issues related to our Latinx neighbors, the state and county health departments, the Mexican Consulate, churches, and other other health care entities look to SMHC for assistance in helping to meet specific health care needs. The above link is one example of how SMHC provides care to the greater Latinx community through outreach services. The entire SMHC staff supports and shares in these efforts in some capacity…it takes a village! We are proud of making a difference and serving those in need!”