Outreach and Early Intervention
Ecuador Conmigo
Partnership with the Ecuadorian Consulate to provide on-site education, assistance, screening and referrals to St. Mary’s Health Clinics or to other affordable health and community services.
Health Fairs
St. Mary’s Health Clinics participates in health education and screening activities at health fairs in local parishes, community and government centers.
Diabetes Education
The Diabetes Education Enhancement Project is a collaborative care model that supports patients with Type 2 Diabetes to improve lifestyle management skills.
Flu Immunizations
In partnership with Fairview Health Service, St. Mary’s Health Clinics offers free flu immunizations to thousands of low income and uninsured individuals in the metro area.
Ventanilla de Salud
The “Window of Health” program, a partnership with the Mexican Consulate, provides health resources, information, education and screening activities.